What is Cyber? The L2 Built for Social dApps

What is Cyber? The L2 Built for Social dApps

Web3 social applications have been gaining traction, but they often face challenges when it comes to scalability, user experience, and developer support. Enter Cyber, a Layer 2 solution specifically designed to empower social dApp developers and users alike. In this post, we'll explore what Cyber is, its key features, and how it aims to revolutionize the web3 social landscape.

What is Cyber?

Cyber is an Ethereum Layer 2 solution built with social applications in mind. Launched by the team behind CyberConnect, a decentralized social graph protocol, Cyber aims to provide a dedicated infrastructure for social dApps to thrive.

Key features of Cyber include:

  1. Social-centric design: Optimized for social interactions and content creation on-chain.
  2. Developer-friendly: Offers grants, support, and tools specifically for social dApp creators.
  3. User experience focus: Implements account abstraction for seamless onboarding and interactions.
  4. Scalability: Utilizes optimistic rollups for high throughput and low gas fees.

Why a Dedicated L2 for Social?

Social applications have unique requirements that differ from DeFi or gaming dApps. Cyber recognizes these needs and provides:

  • High transaction volume support: Social actions like posts, likes, and follows can generate millions of transactions.
  • Low-latency interactions: Users expect near-instantaneous feedback for social actions.
  • Cost-effective operations: Frequent small transactions should be affordable for users and developers.

By focusing on these aspects, Cyber aims to become the go-to platform for web3 social innovation.

Technical Stack

Cyber's technical stack is designed to address the specific challenges of social dApps:

  1. CyberAccount: An ERC-4337 compatible smart account system for seamless user onboarding.
  2. CyberGraph: A censorship-resistant smart contract for recording user content and social connections.
  3. CyberNetwork: The underlying L2 network optimized for gas efficiency and scalability.

This stack enables developers to build social features that feel as smooth as Web2 applications while leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology.

Developer Support and Ecosystem

Cyber is committed to fostering a thriving ecosystem of social dApps. They offer:

  • A $2 million grant program for developers building on Cyber
  • Technical support and guidance from the experienced CyberConnect team
  • Integration with the broader Optimism ecosystem, including retroactive public goods funding

Developers interested in building on Cyber can explore the documentation to get started.

Use Cases and Early Adopters

Several projects are already leveraging Cyber's infrastructure:

  • Super Squad: A token-gated community for goal achievement
  • Axel: A next-gen dating app with on-chain interactions
  • Eco Sapiens: A platform for carbon-negative NFTs and environmental initiatives

These early adopters demonstrate the diverse possibilities for social applications on Cyber.

Cyber represents an exciting development in the web3 social space, offering a dedicated Layer 2 solution for builders passionate about decentralized social applications. By addressing the unique challenges of social dApps and providing robust developer support, Cyber is positioning itself as a key player in the future of web3 social interactions.

thirdweb's full-stack web3 development kit makes it easy to build on Cyber:

✦ Frontend: Client-side SDKs to connect users to web3
✦ Backend: Scalable contract APIs backed by secure wallets
✦ Onchain: Pre-built & extendable contracts
✦ Gaming SDKs: Unity, Unreal Engine, and Mobile (React Native)