thirdweb-ai v0.1.4: Improved Prompts, Performance and Reliability

thirdweb-ai v0.1.4: Improved Prompts, Performance and Reliability

This new update focuses on improving the accuracy of tool selection by consolidating tools, picking better default values, and giving developers the ability to override tool description prompts.

New Features

  • Override service tools' description prompts
from thirdweb_ai import Insight

insight = Insight(secret_key=...)

# using default tool description
tools = [insight.get_all_transactions()]

# using custom tool description
tools = [insight.get_all_transactions(description="Call this to fetch transactions for account")]


  • Insight always requests with most recent and decoded data
  • Insight performance improvement by using the correct sort key
  • Updated resolve tool prompt to provide a more accurate description
  • Reduced number of tools with similar functionality:
    • Merged get_contract_abi into get_contract_metadata
    • Merged get_contract_events_by_signature into get_all_events

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed invalid auth for Engine requests due to headers not being set correctly
  • Fixed some invalid paths or bodies for Engine and Insight tools
  • Fixed improper schema error from OpenAI Agents adapter when a tool schema contains anyOf, oneOf, or allOf

Upgrade Guide

# pip
pip install thirdweb-ai --upgrade

# poetry
poetry update thirdweb-ai

# uv
uv add thirweb-ai --upgrade