Nebula Update v0.0.7: Support for swapping and bridging, Offchain

Nebula Update v0.0.7: Support for swapping and bridging, Offchain

This update brings natural language support for token swapping and bridging, expanded access to offchain knowledge, and improved session context management.

New Features

  • Added support for swapping and bridging tokens in natural language
    • Example → "Swap 1 USDC to 1 USDT on the Ethereum Mainnet" or "Bridge 0.5 ETH from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon"
  • Added more support for offchain knowledge including research headlines and articles about tokens or protocols
    • Example → “Tell me more about $UNI project”
  • Support for updating context using the /session/{session_id} endpoint
    • Example,
  "message": "Hello Nebula!",
  "context": { 
    "session_id": "...",
    "wallet_address": "0x...",
    "chain_ids": ["1", "11155111"]

Nebula is currently in Alpha for a select number of developers. For access to the product, please sign up on the Nebula waitlist.

For any feedback or support inquiries, please visit our support site.