LINE Auth, Fetch Users by Email, Contract Deploy Salts, and More

thirdweb SDK v5.54.0

LINE Auth, Fetch Users by Email, Contract Deploy Salts, and More

LINE Authentication

LINE is now supported as an authentication method across the SDK.

import { inAppWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
const wallet = inAppWallet();
const account = await wallet.connect({
  strategy: "line",

This includes linking an account to form a unified identity.

import { inAppWallet, linkProfile } from "thirdweb/wallets";
const wallet = inAppWallet();
await wallet.connect({ strategy: "google" });
await linkProfile(wallet, { strategy: "line" });

Fetch Users on the Server with getUser

You can now retrieve users by email, phone number, wallet address, or user ID from the server in a single line of code.

import { getUser } from "thirdweb/wallets";

const user = await getUser({
  email: ""
This function will only work with a secret key and should not be used on the client under any circumstances.

Salts for Deterministic Contract Deploys

You can now use a salt to deterministically deploy published contracts.

const address = await deployPublishedContract({
  contractId: "Airdrop",
  contractParams: {
    defaultAdmin: "0x...",
    contractURI: "ipfs://...",
  salt: "test", // <--- deterministic deploy

This also works with unpublished contracts deployed via deployContract.

const address = await deployContract({
  bytecode: "0x...",
  abi: contractAbi,
  constructorParams: {
    param1: "value1",
    param2: 123,
  salt: "test", // <--- deterministic deploy

deployPublishedContract Constructor Parameters Format

Constructor parameters passed to deployPublishedContract are now passed as an object rather than an array.

const address = await deployPublishedContract({
  contractId: "Airdrop",
  contractParams: {
    defaultAdmin: TEST_ACCOUNT_A.address,
    contractURI: "",

Bug Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Added support for React Native 0.75
  • Fixed ERC721 delayed reveal detection
  • Multiple smart wallet transactions can now be sent in parallel
  • Added the toFunctionSelector utility
  • Social profiles now display in the linked accounts list
  • Polygon MATIC is now POL