Engine - Setting Max Gas + Timeouts

Engine - Setting Max Gas + Timeouts

Engine v2.0.19 improves handling of maximum gas fee overrides and introduces timeouts.

  • Smarter max gas fees: When the gas prices are high and your backend specifies a maximum gas fee, Engine delays the transaction until prices fall below your override.
  • Timeouts: Engine will drop your transaction if it isn't sent within your specified timeout.

Use cases

  • Save gas when sending periodic updates to your onchain database that can tolerate higher latency.
  • Set a timeout on your DeFi trades to avoid large changes in token prices.


To specify a transfer transaction that spends up to 30 gwei of gas and tries up to 48 hours, add the following fields:

POST /backend-wallet/8453/transfer

  // Arguments for a transfer transaction
  "to": "0xA954fC66de1F90cFB4f29F0ABa391412406820B7",
  "amount": "0.5",
  // 👇 Specify these overrides based on your chain's gas settings
  "txOverrides": {
    "maxFeePerGas": "30000000000",
    "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "1000000000",
    "timeoutSeconds": 172800
💡 Tip: It is highly recommended to set a timeout when setting a maxFeePerGas. Otherwise if gas prices don't fall, transactions may be in your queue indefinitely.

For details, see Overriding Gas Settings.

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