Coinbase Smart Wallet for React Native

thirdweb SDK v5.53.0

Coinbase Smart Wallet for React Native

React Native now supports Coinbase Smart Wallet with v5.53.0 of the thirdweb SDK. Create a Coinbase Smart Wallet connection using the same createWallet function you know and love:

import { createWallet } from "thirdweb"

const wallet = createWallet("com.coinbase.wallet", {
  appMetadata: {
    name: "My app name",
  mobileConfig: {
    callbackURL: "",
  walletConfig: {
    options: "smartWalletOnly",

await wallet.connect({

Create and Sign a UserOp in One Step

We've added a createAndSignUserOp function to handle everything involved with turning a set of transactions into a single AA UserOp. Gasless and/or sponsored transactions couldn't be easier:

import { createAndSignUserOp } from "thirdweb/wallets/smart"

const userOp = await createAndSignUserOp({

Bug Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Improved common icons in React Native SDK
  • Increased storage slots for proxy resolution

Fixed ERC20 balance reading when showing the Pay modal